COACH Quick Scan Tool for Students

Quick scan for Students

What is this tool about?

This tool is a questionnaire that allows you to self-assess your school. Feedback from the quick scan will provide valuable information on attention areas for further development of a strong career guidance support and prevention of drop-out policy.

How does it work?

The questions below are split into 6 different sections. For each question, please indicate for the statement whether you agree and to what level you agree by clicking the appropriate button next to each statement. Once you are finished, click the show results button at the bottom.

You can use the Skip Section button to skip a section if it's not relevant to you. However, you must compelete a minimum of 3 sections to get your results.

What results does the tool produce?

Once you have completed the questionnaire and clicked the show results button, you will be provided with a list of areas that we recommend you should focus on more, as well as a radar chart with detailed results. Please keep in mind that the results do not save automatically - to save the chart, right click on it and then choose to save it as an image. The results can only be seen by you, and are not saved or shared with anyone else.

School Safety - personal

5. Never 4. Rarely 3. Sometimes 2. Often 1. Very Often
1. Have you been bullied or harassed at school?
2. Have you witnessed bullying or harassment at school?
3. Have you ever been called derogatory or a bad name by someone at school in relation to your religion, ethnic or national origin, disability, gender or sexual orientation?
4. Have you felt rejected by other students at school?

School Safety - general

5. Extremely 4. Quite a bit 3. Moderately 2. Slightly 1. Not at all
5. Do you enjoy being at school?
6. Do you feel comfortable at school?
7. Do you feel safe at school?
8. Do you feel that your rights are respected at school?
9. Does the school usually communicate and share its safe and inclusive policy and objectives with you?

Students’ involvement

5. Extremely 4. Quite a bit 3. Moderately 2. Slightly 1. Not at all
10. Does the school take into account your requests and needs?
11. Does the school invite you to express your ideas and opinions?
12. Can you have a say in the school's decision-making process?

Parents’ involvement

5. Extremely 4. Quite a bit 3. Moderately 2. Slightly 1. Not at all
13. Does the school regularly meet with your parents?
14. Does the school keep your parents well-informed about your progress in school?
15. Do you feel that your parents are actually interested in your schooling and your school progress?
16. Do you feel that your parents give you all the support you need to do well in school?

Students & teacher relationship (socio-emotional dimension)

5. Extremely 4. Quite a bit 3. Moderately 2. Slightly 1. Not at all
17. Do you feel supported by your teachers?
18. Do you feel that teachers respect you?
19. Do you feel that teachers are interested in your life even outside of school?
20. Do you feel teachers treat all students fairly and the same, regardless of their religion, ethnic or national origin, disability, gender or sexual orientation?

Teaching-learning environment

5. Strongly Agree 4. Agree 3. Neutral 2. Disagree 1. Strongly Disagree
21. Do your teachers create a supportive learning environment for you?
22. Do your teachers provide activities that meet your interests and talents?
23. Do your teachers provide activities and instructional materials that reflect your culture and identity?
24. Do your teachers evaluate your academic achievements fairly?