How can we prevent early school leaving in secondary school?

How can we support teachers in this context?

What can schools do to create a good school climate?

Project timeline

The total duration of the project is 24 months, from September 2022 to August 2024



The consortium is formed by 7 organisations from 5 different countries; Sweden, Poland, Italy, Ukraine, and Spain

School dropout and COACHING

Dropout from secondary school is a severe problem not only for the individual but also for the family, the school system, and
the whole society. A well-known and frequently proven fact is that students who do not finish secondary school have fewer opportunities on the labour market, and if they find a job, it typically requires lower qualification.

There are lists several causes as indicators of Early School Leaving ESL , but four groups of them can be usually identified:

  • Individual
  • Family
  •  School 
  •  Society

Why coaching in education is important

Coaching in education settings is also an invaluable tool for developing students and teachers across a wide range of

needs. The benefits of coaching approach in different areas are many:

Of people increase their confidence
40 %
Of people increase their relationships
30 %
Of people increase communication skills
30 %
Of people improve their life balance
30 %

The COACH project has been co-financed with the support of the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme. Its contents and materials are the sole responsibility of its authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. It will be implemented from September 2022 to August 2024. (Funding ref. KA220-SCH-639F42F4).