3rd Newsletter
March 2024

We are happy to announce

that we have entered the training phase of the COACH project.  About twenty mentors or coach-trainers from Ukraine, Spain, Poland, Italy and Sweden are being prepared for the mission of training hundreds of teachers in our Coaching Approach.

During two intensive sessions, Skolcoacherna, experts in coaching in schools, have been teaching new mentors/coach-trainers how to use and transmit our new free coaching tools.

During these sessions, we have had both theoretical reviews and practical exercises. We have gone through Coach Qualities and Coaching Techniques, including Powerful Questions, Active Listening, Goal Setting and Feedback.

Here is a picture from when one of the Mentors/Coachtrainers from Sweden Anna-Karin Arenius from Skolcoacherna trains teachers in coaching approaches at one of the schools Riksstens Skola in Sweden.

Save the Date!

On May 24th 2024 the COACH Final Conference in Giulianova, Italy.

Join us to hear about “Improving the school climate through the school coaching”. This animated event will focus on early school leaving, and you can meet project partners who will present to teachers, school directors of upper secondary schools, parent associations, representatives of the Italian Ministry of education regional office, students, and municipality staff. The venue will be at the Istituto Crocetti-Cerulli.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

If you're passionate about improving the educational climate through coaching

stay tuned for exciting updates by exploring our website and social media content under the hashtag: #eduCOACHproject. Soon we  will publish here free tools and resources aimed at enhancing the educational climate through coaching. Recently, we convened in Malaga  with partners from 7 different EU countries to co-design a Quick Scan, and the School Coaching approach learning material for teachers, parents and students.