1st Newsletter March 2023

Why would you be interested in our kick off meeting?

Well, usually, we would think that why would you, or anyone, anywhere be interested in the fact that a group of people you do not know and who you are not part of, went to a meeting in Sweden. But, in this case, if you are interested in coaching in education to improve the climate in your school or VET centre, you will be happy to know that we have met in November 2022 to start work on some free tools and resources for you.

Who are we?

Folk Universitetet

A national University, experts in VET, school and adult education, Sweden


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Istituto d'Istruzione superiore Arrigo Serpieri

A VET organization, exerts in environmental issues, Italy

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MODE Foundation

A development organisation, experts in trainings and VET mobility services, Poland

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Rinova Malaga

A learning and development company, experts in social innovation, Spain

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Il Mio Futuro

A training organisation, experts in life long learning and new career pathways, Italy

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A coaching organisation, experts in training professionals, Sweden

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What have we done and why?

We have discussed at our first in person meeting the importance of a holistic approach in education, and how the coaching approach can help create a good school climate. We have worked in small groups, to tease out what the most important elements for our approach will be, especially considering our different local and national contexts, needs and resources. Elements that stood out, which we all agreed on were:

Healthy Ecosystem
A good school climate is the result of a healthy ecosystem, where teachers, the school board, parents, and students collaborate.
Trust is an essential part of healthy relationships within the school, and it needs to be grown and nurtured.
All parties involved need support, but at different levels and degrees.
The coaching approach is transferable, but its application is context specific in each new place.
Our differences as partners working together will help us create adaptable and hence sustainable resources.

Some of these are obvious points, but it is important to lay them down as a foundation for the materials we will share with you in the near future. 

For now, we have started to research best practices, and we are designing some questionnaires to gather information about the needs of you, the teachers, the students and the schools. We will soon publish more information on this website.

If you want updates about activities, follow our hashtag on social media: #eduCOACHproject